Kinderhochstuhl Klapp Buche naturfarben

nicht mehr lieferbar
UVP 226,84 €*
202,00 €
Preis pro Stück, zzgl. MwSt
Preis pro Stück, inkl. 19% MwSt: 240,38 €
Sie sparen 11%
Verpackungseinheit: 2
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Tel: ++49 (0)231-28659-0
  • Material:  Holz
  • Materialtyp:  Buche
  • Farbe:  naturfarben
  • klappbar
  • Hersteller-Art.-Nr:  KA-KLA-BEE-NAT
  • EAN-Code:  7072532000509
  • Gewicht:  5 kg
  • Länge (Breite):  455 mm
  • Tiefe:  600 mm
  • Höhe:  810 mm
Kinder-Klapphochstuhl - Buche, natur - Maße: 455 x 600 x H 810 mm - Nettogewicht: 5 g - platzsparend - Anlieferung: fertig montiert zusammenklappbar - passend für Kinder jeden Alters bis 110 kg - festverbaute Stufen - geprüft nach EN 14988:2017, EN 12790, EN 71, EN 71-3

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SPACES Vijzelstraat 68-78 1017 HL Amsterdam Netherlands
KAOS Klapp should always be placed on a stable and even surface without friction to prevent the chair from tipping backwards. Carpets, rugs, and uneven flooring are not suitable surfaces to place KAOS Klapp upon.

KAOS Klapp high chair has been tested to withstand a load of up to 110 kg, but it is not designed to use as a stepladder. KAOS Klapp must never be used with accessories that are not manufactured by KAOS, as this may affect the chair’s stability and safety.

Never leave the child unattended when sitting in a high chair. Klapp is super easy to fold and put away, so you can prevent the child from climbing on it when the high chair is not in use.

Klapp is made from premium, certified wood sourced locally near our manufacturers in Europe. Keep the surface clean with clean, damp microfiber cloth. Wipe clean after every meal to avoid any leftovers to get stuck.
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